
The Middle School course offerings are characterized by a special elective activity program, age-appropriate methodology, and schedules, faculty, and facilities exclusively designated for the Middle School. The seventh and eighth grade school years fulfill requirements established by the Honduran Ministry of Education “Ciclo Común” Curriculum. Additionally, the school-wide (N-12) curriculum of the American School is aligned with and fulfills U.S. national standards in core academic areas.

Cooperative Learning is encouraged in the middle school as studies show positive results in student engagement and motivation when learning activities are presented in small groups (student teams, games and tournaments, simulations, and group investigation). Differentiated teaching methods have been set as a school-wide initiative as these techniques encourage learners to receive instruction according to their individual needs. Student accommodations and individual educational plans are used to support students in achieving the learning goals. Teachers design units of study based on program enduring understandings and essential questions. Student performance is evidenced by classroom and standardized assessments which are aligned with the established goals.

Technology is integrated into the curriculum offering students engaging learning activities. A typical middle school classroom has an electronic board and overhead projector ready to display videos, images and websites to support instruction. Teachers participate in professional development sessions and share lessons to further enhance technology integration. Google Applications for Education are used by students and staff to communicate and collaborate.

Students’ academic and social behavior needs are supported by a Counseling Office, Special Services and the Character Education Program. Students perform skits and use role-play to target positive behavior. An anti-bullying program is in place to prevent bullying and negative behaviors.

A myriad of extra-curricular activities are available to students in order to foster leadership skills, social awareness and interpersonal skills. Clubs and organizations include: Student Council, Knowledge Bowl, Math Olympics, Operation Smile, and Jóvenes en Acción to name a few. The middle school curriculum at AST supports the students’ overall well-being in a safe and disciplined learning environment.

Welcome Message

As Principal of the Middle School division of The American School, I would like to extend a very hearty welcome to viewers of our web page.  Here are some points of interest concerning our division.
The overall student population is 230 students:  Grade 6 = 78; Grade 7 = 78; Grade 8 = 74.  Gender distributions are as follows:  116 females and 114 males.  There are 26 staff members composed of 20 females and 6 males.
Students’ academic pursuits are concentrated in the following departments:  Character Education, Computer Science, Fine Arts, Language Arts, Library Science, Mathematics, Physical Education, Science, Social Studies, Spanish, and Special Services.  Our division follows a semi-block schedule. Full blocks are 90 minutes long and regular periods are 45 minutes in length.  Students have 5 minutes to move from one classroom to the next and enjoy 3 student breaks per day including a 45-minute lunch period.  Four schedule types exist:  Regular, Early Dismissal, Late Start, and Assembly.  These help to accommodate the various activities which take place throughout the school year.
Structurally, the Middle School is one which takes the form of one, elongated hallway with 19 classrooms.  The gymnasium and music rooms are housed in a separate location on the campus.  Our division is very proud of its motto:  “From great heights the eagle sees all.”

Eric O’Bryant
Middle School Principal

Roque Padilla
Middle School Assistant Principal


AST Child Protection Policies


6th grade MIDDLE SCHOOL SUPPLIES 2024-2025


7th grade MIDDLE SCHOOL SUPPLIES 2024-2025


8th grade MIDDLE SCHOOL SUPPLIES 2024-2025


AST First Aid and Emergency Procedures Handbook


AST Travel Handbook 2022-2023


Student & Parent Handbook 2024-2025


Calculating Weighted Averages


School Calendar 2024-2025


AST Strategic Plan

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