Welcome to AST! We are all here to help you as you embark on this new journey with the Eagle Family. Besides our regular academic departments (Pre-School, Elementary School, Middle School and High School) the school includes a myriad of departments that enrich your educational experience:

Head of School / Assistant to the Head of School
g_gomez@amschool.org Ext. 2712

Curriculum Office
jeaguilar@amschool.org Ext. 2756

Business Office
jsalinas@amschool.org Ext. 2710

Development Office
devo@amschool.org Ext. 2724

Athletic Department
 miraldaw@amschool.org Ext. 2760

IT Department (Technology)
jmendoza@amschool.org Ext. 2730

Legal Office
brivera@amschool.org Ext. 2720

rnelson@amschool.org Ext. 2720

eobryant@amschool.org Ext. 2745